SAMWISE free demo


EuroUSC Italia is organizing a free webinar to take place online on April 9th at 10 am (CEST) to know more about SAMWISE Pro and learn how it can support you in conducting the risk assessment of your drone operation following the SORA methodology. All participants will be offered an exclusive discount code.


SAMWISE is the first and only tool, developed by EuroUSC Italia, supporting you to easily conduct the risk assessment of your Specific operation and fly with your drone, following the SORA methodology directly on the web. How?

  • SAMWISE processes the data of your drone operation,
  • provides you a list of mitigation,
  • evaluates your demonstrations of compliance, and
  • provides a final assessment report to submit to the competent aviation authority.

To demonstrate the functioning of SAMWISE Pro, EuroUSC Italia will hold a webinar on April 9th at 10 am, open to all participants.

During the free webinar, Marco Ducci, CEO at EuroUSC Italia, will present SAMWISE Pro and demonstrate how it works through the simulation of the risk analysis of a Specific operation in a real scenario. All the participants will be able to ask questions to the speaker through the live chat and register at for one month free trial. In addition, they will be offered a special discount code for subscribing to SAMWISE Pro.


“This webinar is a unique chance to learn how SAMWISE Pro simplifies the SORA risk analysis of Specific operations recommended by the new EASA Regulation.” declares Marco Ducci, CEO at EuroUSC Italia, “In fact, SAMWISE Pro helps any drone operator to obtain the final assessment report in just one click: finally, neither specific skills nor extra time spent on paperwork are required.”


The webinar will be held on the EuroUSC Italia Youtube channel and shared on the official Facebook page. Register here to freely participate.

For more information contact or visit the website


Join the webinar


After actively participating in the SORA methodology development within the JARUS workgroup, EuroUSC Italia is engaged since 2015 in European research and development projects and BVLOS experimentation activities under the supervision of the Italian Aviation Authority ENAC (Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile). Thanks to its know-how, EuroUSC Italia provides several trainings for the drone industry, including a two-days SORA training.



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